Horse Care Blog

Horse Care
How To Bathe or Shower A Horse: Tops Tips & Advice
A regular bath is a good time to get any lingering mud, dirt and sweat off your horse, bond with him and give him a good check over for any unusual lumps, bumps or marks while you’re at it.

Horse Care
How Quickly Do Manes & Tails Grow? 7 Tips to Speed Up Growth
Like humans, a horse’s coat and hair depends on a whole host of factors, both genetic and environmental.

10 Winter Grooming Tips and Tools To Keep Your Horse Looking Super!
Cold weather, wet snow, mud, below freezing temperatures can all reek havoc on your horse’s coat.

How to Groom a Horse - The Essentials Explained
Horses require grooming on a daily basis to keep their coat healthy, shiny, and free of dirt and mud.